Jørgen Hovelsen Oct 25, 2012 7:40 amWell written! In response to this I will suggest an article by Quinn and Spreitzer from 1997 (titled "The Road to Empowerment: Seven Questions Every Leader Should Consider") about Empowerment. One of the elements of the knowledge worker-era is empowerment. But empowerment is something that must be felt, not delegated. Half of the leaders in this study dropped the notion of empowerment from its business plans when faced with this view. Reply
Ben Newton Nov 14, 2012 3:20 amHere is a PDF link to Quinn and Speitzer's paper: https://ceo.usc.edu/pdf/G973315.pdf Reply
John Willis Nov 10, 2012 12:00 pmJørgen, Thanks for the article. I will definitely take a look at it. You make an interesting point about empowerment. A good friend of my has this cool quote "The objective of a top down manager should be to promote bottom up thinking". The catch 22 is that I agree with that statement and I also agree with your point "must be felt, not delegated". I am sure there is an interesting needle to be threaded here. Maybe "promote" is create an environment where workers feel the need/desire to be empowered. Also the caveat being, leaders must be really good at hiring workers who can deal with empowerment. It sounds like the new HR roles popping up at companies like Netflix of Chief Talent Acquisition Officer is an indication of a good trend in this area.. Thanks again Reply