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Enterprise Technology Leadership Journal | Spring 2024

New Volume Available Now

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Reader’s Guide: Flow Engineering

A companion reader’s guide to the book Flow Engineering.

Enterprise Technology Leadership Journal: Spring 2024

Volume 1, Issue 1

Sponsored by VMware

A Practical, Step-by-Step Guide to Wiring a Winning Organization from the Middle

This paper presents a practical approach for middle managers to drive transformational change in their organizations by implementing high-velocity organizational learning capabilities. The author shares a five-step recipe based on personal experiences and the work of Gene Kim and Dr. Steven Spear.

Measuring the Value of Your Internal Developer Platform Investments

The authors provide a comprehensive framework for articulating, measuring, and communicating the value of Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs). They discuss the challenges of quantifying IDP value and offer practical guidance for securing stakeholder buy-in and demonstrating ROI.

Happier Leaders

How Leaders Can Cultivate A More Positive, Productive, and Engaging Work Environment

Enterprise GenAI Delivery Patterns

The authors examine the intersection of Generative AI (GenAI) and DevOps, exploring how organizations can leverage GenAI to enhance software delivery processes and how DevOps practices can be applied to improve GenAI delivery.

The Digital Mirror

Reflecting Changes in GRC with Digital Twins

The Application of Industrial DevOps Using Digital Twins

A Deep Dive Into Building Better Systems Faster

Wiring for Flow

Harnessing Digital Networking Principles in Organizational Design

Accelerating Value Delivery in Highly Complex Domains

Integrating Value Stream Management, System Architecture, and Lean/Agile Execution

Reader’s Guide: Wiring the Winning Organization

A companion reader’s guide to the book Wiring the Winning Organization.

Reader’s Guide: Deming’s Journey to Profound Knowledge

A companion reader’s guide to the book Deming’s Journey to Profound Knowledge.

Reader’s Guide: Wrong Fit, Right Fit

A companion reader’s guide to the book Wrong Fit, Right Fit.

Reader’s Guide: Adaptive Ethics for Digital Transformation

A companion reader’s guide to the book Adaptive Ethics for Digital Transformation.

Reader’s Guide: Industrial DevOps

A companion reader’s guide to the book Industrial DevOps: Build Better Systems Faster.

Scaling Automated Governance

A Short Story about How a Fictional, Faster-Growing Financial Institution Scaled Automated Governance across a Large Enterprise