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Submission Guidelines

About IT Revolution Press

At IT Revolution Press, our goal is to elevate the state of technology work, quantify the economic and human costs associated with suboptimal IT performance, and improve the lives of millions of IT professionals. We do this through publishing books by industry leaders focused on best practices for delivering business value, optimizing software delivery, organizational architecture, and improving leadership and ways of working.

Submit a Book Proposal

Before you submit a book proposal, make sure it includes the following:

Book Overview

Include your book’s title, subtitle, a hook for the book, a one paragraph description, the number of proposed pages, a brief summary, and schedule for completion. Answer the following questions:

  • What problem is the book solving?
  • What solution is the book offering?
  • What is the urgency?
  • Who is the audience for this book?
  • Why are you the person readers should trust on the subject?

Detailed Table of Contents (TOC)

Provide two- to three-sentence summaries of each chapter.

Two Sample Chapters

In addition to two sample chapters, please include your introduction and/or a preface to the book.


Describe who the target market is for your book and why they are important; how you plan to reach that market(s); and what kind of network and/or platform you have that would support marketing the book. Please include details for any of the following that apply to your marketing plan:

  • Email subscribers
  • Social media presence (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Media contributions/appearances (i.e., regular columns, guest appearances, etc.)
  • Book contributors or promoters (consider for testimonials, foreword, or marketing affiliate)

List of Your Competition

List five current (within the last three years) competitor titles and include the publisher, year published, and comparisons. Your comparisons should answer the following:

  • Why will someone use your book over those you listed?
  • What about your book cannot be found in the competitors’ books?
  • Include two sentences as to what the reader will gain and learn that he or she does not have prior to reading?

Author Biography

Include three to five paragraphs about yourself, your background, and why you are the right person to write this book.

Previously Published Books

List any and all books you may have previously published, their sales history, and your landing pages and marketing plans for them.

Submit Your Proposal

We are not accepting unsolicited book proposals at this time.