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August 1, 2024

Cycle Time vs. Lead Time: A Comprehensive Guide

By Summary by IT Revolution


In the world of knowledge work, such as software development and project management, two key metrics are often used to measure and improve efficiency: cycle time and lead time. Understanding the differences between these metrics and how they relate to each other is crucial for optimizing workflows and delivering value to customers effectively.

In this blog post, we will explore the definitions, comparisons, and implications of cycle time and lead time in the context of knowledge work.

Cycle Time Definition

Cycle time refers to the amount of time it takes to complete a single task or work item from start to finish. It focuses specifically on production time and does not include any time the task might spend waiting in a queue before work begins.

In software development, for example, cycle time could be the time taken from when a team starts working on a feature until it is ready for deployment. Mike Burrows, in his book Kanban from the Inside, provides a detailed explanation of cycle time and its significance in Lean and Kanban methodologies.

Lead Time Definition

Lead time, on the other hand, measures the total time from the initial request of a task to its final delivery. It includes all stages of the workflow, from the initial idea or request, through various stages of development, testing, and deployment, including any waiting or idle time.

In knowledge work, lead time would measure the time from the moment a new feature is requested by a client to the point where it is fully integrated and deployed. Donald G. Reinertsen’s book The Principles of Product Development Flow emphasizes the importance of reducing lead times in product development.

Comparing Cycle Time and Lead Time

While both cycle time and lead time are used to assess the efficiency and responsiveness of processes, they have distinct differences in scope and focus.

  • Scope: Cycle time begins when work starts on a task and ends when the task is completed, focusing purely on production. Lead time starts at the request of the task and ends at delivery, encompassing the entire process.
  • Focus: Cycle time is concerned with the efficiency of the actual work process, while lead time is concerned with the customer’s experience from request to delivery.

Management Implications

Reducing cycle time involves improving the speed and efficiency of the team executing the work. Reducing lead time may involve changes not just in how quickly tasks are performed but also in how they are prioritized and handled before and after the actual work.

The Importance of Measuring and Optimizing Cycle Time and Lead Time

Measuring and optimizing both cycle time and lead time is essential for improving the overall performance of knowledge work processes. By reducing cycle times, teams can increase their throughput and deliver value more frequently. By minimizing lead times, organizations can respond more quickly to customer needs and improve customer satisfaction.

To effectively measure and optimize these metrics, teams should:

  1. Map their value streams to identify bottlenecks and waste (for more information, see Value Stream Mapping by Karen Martin and Mike Osterling and Flow Engineering by Steve Pereira and Andrew Davis).
  2. Focus on successful measures of performance that are based on outcomes not outputs, like DORA’s four key metrics as outlined in Accelerate by Nicole Forsgren, PhD, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim, including measuring lead time.
  3. Implement continuous improvement practices, such as Lean and Agile methodologies (learn more in The Principles of Product Development Flow by Donald G. Reinertsen).
  4. Foster a culture of collaboration and transparency (as discussed in The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis, and Nicole Forsgren, PhD).
  5. Leverage technology and automation to streamline processes (see Making Work Visible by Dominica DeGrandis for practical strategies).
  6. Daniel Vacanti’s book Actionable Agile Metrics for Predictability explores the assumptions behind Little’s Law and its implications for managing flow in knowledge work, providing valuable insights into the relationship between cycle time, lead time, and throughput.


In the realm of knowledge work, understanding the distinctions between cycle time and lead time is essential for driving process improvements and delivering value to customers more effectively. By focusing on reducing both cycle times and lead times, organizations can enhance their agility, responsiveness, and overall performance. Embracing a culture of continuous improvement and leveraging the power of Lean and Agile methodologies can help teams optimize these critical metrics and achieve their goals more efficiently.

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Summary by IT Revolution

Articles created by summarizing a piece of original content from the author (with the help of AI).


  • Anonymous Aug 2, 2024 2:10 pm

    Dear, I would like to comment on your definition of Cycle Time. In lean, Cycle Time is the time it takes an operator to complete all the work elements at a station before repeating them ( So the Cycle Time is measured/observed between the beginning of a task until the beginning of the next task. This includes the Touch Time or Value Created Time which is the time when people are producing value, the rest is waste. Your definition of Cycle Time is more what lean call Value Created Time. So by measuring only the Value Created Time we miss all the time spent in useless activities where most of the gains are. It is interesting to do observation on the field with this in mind to see all the waste to do problem solving to increase productivity.

    • Anonymous Aug 5, 2024 8:57 pm

      If you have the activities in your process mapped to a kanban board you should be able to measure the value add time for each step in your process.

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