Anonymous Aug 21, 2024 4:30 pmMy Use Case is identical to the 1st commenter. Have you thought of a reply? Reply
Anonymous Sep 20, 2023 12:47 pmHi Bill, Thanks for this great article. To be honest, to get full value of this article I need to visualise how GaaS can be applied in my organisation. Governance plays a role from the very inception of an idea for a software development project. For example a High Level Design needs to be signed off by an Architecture Review Board before build starts. In this case, the 'Governance Contract' may talk about the alignment to one of the many architectural patterns agreed by the organisation. Another case of Governance before Build would be the check if relevant stakeholders (Infrastructure, Security, Service Management, etc.) are informed/engaged of this new project. I have seen any cases where Infra may stop an deployment because they were not involved earlier to understand & advice on the infrastructural impacts. Therefore, my question is whether you agree to the point to integrate GaaS even before Build. Many thanks. Reply