aconex oracle Mar 9, 2022 1:01 amProject management software solutions are rather versatile. They allow professionals to plan their projects, relying on informative insights from the past. Reply
Philippe GUENET Oct 6, 2020 6:36 pmTo be honest those advices keep the manager at the epicentre of the work, which is part of the problem and the resulting dysfunction. In digital, the concept of flow should apply, in the way that the work should happen naturally without needing the manager to coordinate it. The role of a manager is to drive improvements of the work system that they do not need to be at the epicentre of it all for output/outcomes to happen: From the flow of delivery to the flow of innovation, improvements, industrialisation, etc. The leadership (not manager) needs to distribute the ownership to the people doing the work without diluting accountability, involve them in the Strategy so they have the right elements to make the right decision, stimulate Kaizen to improve continuously, etc.Achieving all this is mostly about shifting the leadership from leading Tasks / Projects / Programmes / Budgets to leading people, outcomes, better practices, better competencies, and positioning Leadership as a System (human work system) connector and catalyst rather than coordinator. This is what the real change is about. Reply
Ron Oct 11, 2020 6:45 pmWell said Phillippe. This perpetuates Taylorism. Note to everyone: there is no such thing as a defined role of lead or manager in Agile, Scrum or DevOps. Reply