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September 7, 2023

My Fit Experience: Company, Craft, Cause

By Lucy Softich

Last week, I looked at how André Martin’s new book Wrong Fit, Right Fit helped me define my values and how aligning values can be vital to finding a good fit at work. This week I’m diving into an excursion that helps you tease out what really matters to you (not just what you think matters to you). 

In Excursion 4, we determine what matters more to us at work: company, craft, or cause.

As André says, this is hard because we all aspire to find all three. We want to work for a company we love, doing something we’re passionate about, that has a lasting impact on the world around us. However, the reality is that we’re not going to find that perfect combination in every job; we may never find it at all. That’s why figuring out which matters the most to us is crucial. Which is most fulfilling? Which gives us the most drive and passion?

Through this excursion, I learned I’m a “craft” person, which means I am motivated by the work itself. It also means that I am most satisfied when I am honing my craft: taking classes, attending seminars, or putting my newest skills to the test.

Looking back on previous job experiences, this makes a lot of sense. I picked my last job, which was also my first job after grad school, based on the company. It had a certain cachet that I appreciated, and I liked being able to say I worked there. However, the actual job itself didn’t nurture my skills. I got by but couldn’t learn and grow; I was never really able to hone my craft.

Although I didn’t fully realize it then, that lack of engagement with craft was why I decided to return to college and get a business degree. I wanted to learn and hone my craft in ways I knew I could never do at my old job. Ultimately, I am happy in my role as Social Media & Marketing Coordinator at IT Revolution because of craft. This role brings together my degree in book publishing and my degree in business, and gives me the support I need to keep improving.

Tune in next week when I go through another excursion from Wrong Fit, Right Fit!

- About The Authors
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Lucy Softich

Lucy is the Marketing & Social Media Coordinator at IT Revolution. She has a background in writing, marketing, and business.

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