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March 2, 2021
Shifting to a product operating model starts with defining the products, which includes both internally facing and externally facing products. Defining the products is essential to identifying clear lines of ownership and accountability, and redesigning the organizational structure to align with customer needs instead of settling for traditional organizations that align around IT functions.
When looking across the fourteen companies interviewed, it became clear that this domain is the most ambiguous and lacks industry guidance on how to define product taxonomy.
The other pattern observed is that this level of product definition typically occurs during the scale stage and then is continuously refined based on key learnings throughout the optimize stage. Below, we provide emerging best practices that have been successful with companies that have progressed through the scale and optimize stages of product transformation.
A product taxonomy provides enterprises a visible, centralized method for defining, managing, and tracking products across the company’s value streams. There are multiple benefits to defining the product taxonomy:
To transition to a product operating model, you should first define your product taxonomy. The product taxonomy identifies the portfolio of products that exist in a given business area. The taxonomy helps to show the hierarchy and relationships between the different products and capabilities that exist within your business.
Given their scale and complexity, enterprises often need a visible, centralized method for defining, managing, and tracking products across the company’s value streams.
To fully understand how to map a product taxonomy, we must first anchor to a few basic definitions for what a product is and how to classify different product types.
To define it simply for our context, a product is a software offering that we create to deliver value to our customer. By this definition it is implied that we know who our customers are; we understand what they value; we understand the ecosystem or value stream within which the product fits; and we design, build, and support our product as a cross-functional, long-lived team with the skills needed to own the product end to end. Meaning, if we design and build it, then we must also maintain and support it throughout the life of the product (in other words, “you build it, you run it”).
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Products can serve external customers and/or internal enterprise customers. Products can be differentiated by designating a product classification and product life cycle stage. Unlike projects, products do not have a predefined end date. Instead, a product moves through life cycle stages. The life cycle stage and product classification definitions provided in this series are suggestions intended to provide guidance.
The figure below shows the product life cycle stages and we will go into each of them in more detail below.
The product is a new idea or hypothesis that is rapidly being tested through product discovery, prototyping, and potential deployment of a minimum viable (or lovable) product (MVP or MLP). The goal of this stage is to quickly validate or disprove the value of the product idea. Exploratory product discovery may include a potential new business idea or model, a new technology set, or a customer opportunity space. Learning from failure is typical in this stage.
The value proposition of a product has been validated via a deployed MVP. A permanent persistent product team has been formed containing all the necessary skill sets to continuously design, build, and support the product based on rapid customer feedback loops. Product outcomes are measured regularly (e.g., quarterly) via clearly defined objectives and key results (OKRs).
The product team continuously builds new features, proactively solves customer problems, and supports their product in production. Team pace, product use, and value are optimized based on customer and employee satisfaction, product stability and quality, and speed and adaptability.
The pace of necessary new features has tapered off. The majority of the required functionality for the product has been accounted for. The team is primarily maintaining product quality and stability while minimizing maintenance costs.
The product is no longer needed or wanted and the market or customer demand for the product begins to shrink; therefore, the product begins an end-of-product life stage. This is often referred to as the decline or sunset stage. The team works to remove or transition users to an alternate solution while decommissioning the product.
The structure of a product taxonomy considers three levels or groupings of products.
The first level is the product portfolio, which is a collection of product groups whose value deliveries share a high degree of dependency.
The second level is the product group, which is a collection of related products whose value deliveries share a high degree of dependency.
Lastly, the products are persistent groupings of applications, technology, talent, and data that enable a specific outcome, customer experience, or capability.
When defining the product, focus on the outcome or customer experience it delivers rather than the application or technology that delivers the outcome or experience. Consider why a customer turns to your product or service and what problems it solves for them and evaluate that experience as the product.
The technology or application is merely a vehicle for delivering that customer experience. The product should remain consistent year after year, whereas the supporting technologies will change over time as new solutions emerge. See the below figure for a representation of the product taxonomy structure.
Product types should be considered to help further differentiate your products. Does your technology product serve an external customer? Does your product enable other technology products within the enterprise? Is your product a shared service consumed by an end-user, business function, or another service?
Ultimately, everything can be considered a product leveraging modern product management practices delivered by a long-lived product team.
As we assessed the various companies we interviewed, the topic of inward-facing versus outward-facing products often came up. Inward-facing products were referenced as “IT products for IT” and outward-facing products were considered business products. This table shows a few examples of product types with corresponding goals and examples.
The companies we assessed appeared to struggle most with the product taxonomy domain; this domain appears to cause the greatest gap in transformation success due to the lack of documented references on how to map an enterprise product taxonomy.
The natural starting point for most companies we interviewed was to anchor to business capability frameworks. Others leveraged their configuration management database, service catalogs, value stream maps, experience maps, or some combination of these tools. This section intends to map out how to work through this process.
The following are emerging best practices for designing a product taxonomy. This guidance is based on the experience from multiple companies in differing industries that have had successful transformations. Of the companies interviewed and researched, all companies in which we identified these practices were either in the scale or optimize stages of the product transformations.
These tactics are intended to provide guidance and to suggest approaches, tools, and techniques to help construct conversations that move the organization to a product-centric operating model. These steps are not a precise framework, nor are they linear or all-inclusive; rather, there are many ways to have these conversations. Appreciate that every company is at a different point in this transformational journey toward being more customer-obsessed, Agile-minded, and product-centric.
Below is a table of the tactics we suggest. We will go into each tactic in more detail below.
The north star is a shared purpose and vision that helps leaders and teams feel personally and emotionally connected. When we face adversity, this is our motivation to persevere. This is also a reference to validate that the activities we are executing are aligned with where we want to go.
Technology and business leaders for the portfolio. It’s recommended that technology and business leaders meet and align their goals at the beginning stages of mapping a product-centric operating model. Establish alignment and shared understanding across the leaders and then with the teams. Gather feedback from the teams and adjust as needed. What resonates with them? What doesn’t? Make the north star relatable using clear, friendly language; steer away from too much corporate buzzword lingo that makes the vision unrelatable.
Value stream mapping, or experience mapping, is an ideal place to begin this conversation. Visualizing the customer experience end to end (from concept to cash, or product creation to customer delivery) will provide key insights into what products should be in a portfolio.
Engage a coach or facilitator if possible to keep the conversation moving and neutral. A neutral facilitator can help drive collaboration forward effectively, especially when ownership battles or redundant capabilities begin to surface, which can happen quite often.
Other supplemental approaches include leveraging existing service catalogs, configuration management databases, or business capability frameworks as relevant ways to kick off the product taxonomy definition. The key is to find a comfortable starting point to begin the product taxonomy definition conversation.
There are a couple of suggested approaches to defining your product taxonomy. Once the value stream map is constructed, additional layers can be added below the value stream to identify product groups, products, and applications.
You can begin from the top at the portfolio level and work your way down to the applications. Start at the highest level, breaking it down into smaller chunks based on the value stream or customer experience. Leverage the leading questions above to facilitate the conversation. A recommended approach is to start at the application layer and work your way up to products (customer experiences) and product groups as in the figure below.
The product taxonomy should be a shared artifact that provides transparency across the various product portfolios. The artifact should be maintained by a centralized team to ensure consistency and safety of the information. Publish updates to the taxonomy on a quarterly or biannual cadence. The table below shows a template of a product taxonomy.
A well-defined product taxonomy will serve as a blueprint for how to redesign the organization around the products. A fundamental shift when transforming to a product-centric operating model is structuring teams to own the products end to end. In a traditional project model, the teams are organized temporarily to achieve specific project goals and then disbanded, leaving no formal owners for what was created during the project. At the heart of the product model is ownership, accountability, and empowerment.
Teams should be small sized (approximately five to ten people) and cross-functional, containing all the skills needed to plan, design, build, and run the product. Consider the number of product teams who will be needed to support a product. Ideally, the product-to-team ratio should be one-to-one; however, it is possible to have multiple teams supporting a product. To determine the number of teams needed, the scope and scale of the product should be assessed based on historical data, overall demand, complexities, and dependencies.
Assessing multiple teams against a product is part art and part science. It’s recommended to start on the conservative side and scale to additional teams as needed over time. Additional details on product roles, product team characteristics, and other workforce considerations are provided in the Workforce and Talent post in this series.
Transparency of gaps or blockers that could derail the product transformation is critical to transformation success. Decisions will need to be made regarding how to address the gaps and blockers. As each portfolio works through the process of mapping their product taxonomy and designing the teams, common themes may begin to emerge across the enterprise. These common themes should be addressed holistically to ensure consistency with the implementation of the product model.
Once the teams are formed, provide them with coach support to launch and accelerate optimization. Additional guidance on how to coach and accelerate teams is provided in the Workforce and Talent section of this paper.
The product taxonomy is the starting point for shifting mindsets from a project and functional silo organization to a customer-focused product organization with clear lines of accountability. The exercise of mapping products drives leaders to think differently about their organizational structure, accountability boundaries, customer-focused outcomes, and overall alignment to business strategies.
Through our interviews, we learned that the following constraints surfaced when the product taxonomy was missed or underutilized:
In the continuing posts in this series, we will explore each of the Seven Domains of Transformation in more detail.
In the full white paper, The Project to Product Transformation, you will find not only the guidance indicators to create, increase, and sustain velocity, but also the negative force learnings that should help you avoid pitfalls in your transformational journey.
Trusted by technology leaders worldwide. Since publishing The Phoenix Project in 2013, and launching DevOps Enterprise Summit in 2014, we’ve been assembling guidance from industry experts and top practitioners.
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