LLMs and Generative AI in the enterprise.
Inspire, develop, and guide a winning organization.
Understand the unique values and behaviors of a successful organization.
Create visible workflows to achieve well-architected software.
Understand and use meaningful data to measure success.
Integrate and automate quality, security, and compliance into daily work.
An on-demand learning experience from the people who brought you The Phoenix Project, Team Topologies, Accelerate, and more.
Learn how to enhance collaboration and performance in large-scale organizations through Flow Engineering
Learn how making work visible, value stream management, and flow metrics can affect change in your organization.
Clarify team interactions for fast flow using simple sense-making approaches and tools.
Multiple award-winning CTO, researcher, and bestselling author Gene Kim hosts enterprise technology and business leaders.
In the first part of this two-part episode of The Idealcast, Gene Kim speaks with Dr. Ron Westrum, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Eastern Michigan University.
In the first episode of Season 2 of The Idealcast, Gene Kim speaks with Admiral John Richardson, who served as Chief of Naval Operations for four years.
Exploring the impact of GenAI in our organizations & creating business impact through technology leadership.
Half-day virtual event with live watch parties worldwide.
DevOps best practices, case studies, organizational change, ways of working, and the latest thinking affecting business and technology leadership.
The debate over in-office versus remote work misses a fundamental truth: high-performing teams succeed based on how they’re organized, not where they sit.
Leaders can help their organizations move from the danger zone to the winning zone by changing how they wire their organization’s social circuitry.
The values and philosophies that frame the processes, procedures, and practices of DevOps.
This post presents the four key metrics to measure software delivery performance.
From Value Stream Mapping to Effective Action
Foreword by Karen Martin, coauthor of Value Stream Mapping
Tired of misalignment, friction, and stalled workflow? Flow Engineering is a practical guide to using value stream mapping techniques to align teams, unlock innovation, and optimize performance.
Based on foundations from Value Stream Mapping, cybernetics, and the Toyota Production System, Flow Engineering’s lightweight and iterative practices build the value, clarity, and flow required for effective collaboration and collective action. Written by Value Stream Mapping experts Steve Pereira and Andrew Davis, Flow Engineering provides a step-by-step guide for running fast-paced mapping workshops that rapidly build shared understanding.
Using five key maps to facilitate collaborative “flow conversations,” Pereira and Davis show how teams can surface tangled process dependencies, conflicting priorities, and unspoken assumptions that grind progress to a halt. The result? A clear roadmap owned by the people doing the work to accelerate innovation cycles, optimize workflows, and achieve more effective coordination.
Applicable across any industry, Flow Engineering’s techniques have helped leading organizations improve critical workflows like customer onboarding, product development, and hiring.
It’s time to stop trying one-size-fits-all frameworks to find value, clarity, and flow to improve culture and performance. Flow Engineering meets your organization where it’s at and shows you how to move it where it needs to go.
Winner of the Silver Medal PubWest Book Design Award for Adult Trade Nonfiction/Nonillustrated.
Provides visual mapping techniques to surface misalignments and build shared roadmaps.
Step-by-step guide to facilitate fast and effective workshops.
Uncovers hidden dependencies and assumptions blocking transformation.
Case studies prove these techniques accelerate workflows and drive enterprise agility.
Steve Pereira has spent over two decades improving the flow of work across organizations. He’s worked through tech support, IT management, build and release engineering, and as a founding CTO for enterprise SaaS. He serves as lead consultant for Visible Value Stream Consulting, as a board advisor to the Value Stream Management Consortium, Chair of the OASIS Value Stream Management Interoperability technical committee, and co-founder of the Flow Collective to bring flow-focused professionals together. Since 2017, he has been developing and facilitating Flow Engineering to make flow improvement in large organizations accessible, collaborative, and actionable.
Andrew is Chief Product Officer at AutoRABIT, focused on the next generation of DevSecOps on the Salesforce platform. He is also the author of the leading book on the Salesforce development lifecycle, Mastering Salesforce DevOps. He was formerly Senior Director of Methodology and Training at Copado.
Principal Analyst (Value Stream Management and DevOps), Forrester Research
author of Designing Delivery
VP Analyst for Software Engineering, Gartner
CTO, Balsam Brands, former CTO, Anheuser-Busch InBev DTC
SVP, Customer and Retail Technology Starbucks
CEO of Conflux and co-author of Team Topologies
Director Site Reliability Engineering, Skillshare
CEO, Engineering DevOps Consulting and author of Engineering DevOps
CTO, Shutterstock
author of DevOps Patterns for Private Equity
CEO, Impactfulness and co-author of Visual Collaboration Tools
Founder and CTO, Exathink Research
Vice President of Parchment Technology at Instructure Inc., formerly VP Head of Engineering at Parchment LLC
President Transformant, author of Revolutionizing Business Operations
CTO, LocatorX
CEO, Elvenworks and CTO, AutoRABIT
Principal Architect Director, Salesforce
Managing Director, Tech Transformation Unit Lead, Accenture
author of Sooner Safer Happier
author of A Radical Enterprise
Antipatterns and Patterns for Business Agility
Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast...
Exposing Time Theft to Optimize Work & Flow