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The Past, Present, and Future of Rails at GitHub

By Eileen Uchitelle

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This paper discusses the history of Ruby on Rails at GitHub, focusing on the challenges and consequences of GitHub forking and failing to upgrade Rails for many years. The author, Eileen M. Uchitelle, a Principal Software Engineer at GitHub, describes how GitHub’s decision to fork Rails and not keep up with upgrades led to numerous problems over time, including hiring difficulties, security vulnerabilities, and an increasingly brittle codebase.

  • Format PDF
  • Pages 11
  • Publication Date May 2021


  • Powerful Insights

    Upgrade now to avoid compounding technical debt and ensure your application's long-term health.

  • Reduce Costs

    Investing in upgrades saves you from the immeasurable costs of falling behind.

  • Keys to Success

    dedicated teams, planning, and organizational buy-in.

  • Expert Author

    Written by leading expert in the field with first-hand experience.

About the Resource

This paper discusses the history of Ruby on Rails at GitHub, focusing on the challenges and consequences of GitHub forking and failing to upgrade Rails for many years. The author, Eileen M. Uchitelle, a Principal Software Engineer at GitHub, describes how GitHub’s decision to fork Rails and not keep up with upgrades led to numerous problems over time, including hiring difficulties, security vulnerabilities, and an increasingly brittle codebase.

The paper then details GitHub’s multi-year effort to upgrade from their custom fork to the latest version of Rails, and the benefits they gained, such as improved performance, access to new features, and the ability to contribute back to the Rails framework. Uchitelle emphasizes the importance of continuous upgrades and the immeasurable long-term costs of not upgrading.

Finally, the author provides advice on how to approach a major upgrade, stressing the need for dedicated teams, organizational support, and careful planning. The paper concludes by urging company leaders to prioritize and value upgrade work, as failing to do so can erode the foundation of their applications.

Eileen Uchitelle
Eileen Uchitelle

Eileen Uchitelle

Senior Staff Engineer at Shopify working on the Ruby open source ecosystem & Rails Core Team

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