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November 14, 2017

Day 1 Recap: DevOps Enterprise Summit San Francisco 2017

By IT Revolution

We kicked off the DevOps Enterprise Summit in San Francisco today and more than 1,400 people packed the Hilton Union Square for a day of immersive DevOps learning. With several plenary talks headlining the morning sessions, we heard incredible experience report updates from CSG International, KeyBank, Columbia Sportswear, Scaled Agile and a “co-opetition” presentation from Northrup Grumman and Lockheed Martin. After the midday break, attendees headed to their top breakout sessions in the afternoon, including the Ask the Speaker and DevOps Workshop sessions, for a deeper dive into DevOps topics people care about most.

Want to review slides from your favorite session today? You can view the slide repository on GitHub here >>>

So what themes did we hear the most on Day 1?

There continues to be a lot of talk about breaking apart the monolith, microservices and containers, and culture. The concepts and needs of transformational leadership came up in nearly every session and continues to be a hot topic for leaders looking to scale their DevOps initiatives across their organizations. What’s most interesting about this? These skills can be learned!

From healthcare and government to financial services and retail, we’re learning that each of these industries are going about their DevOps journeys a bit differently. Different strokes for different folks, as they say! Given the unique demands on their respective marketplaces, these differences are certainly highlighted in audit and compliance requirements as well as the competitive landscape of each industry. But, each industry can certainly learn from one another to take the necessary patterns and practices to help them get to the next level.

Finally, Gene kicked off the event with some great stats to start the conference. One of our favorite data points is that speakers leading DevOps transformation journeys are often promoted – sometimes multiple times in the past few years. This is a testament to the DevOps momentum being created at these respective organizations and across the globe, as well as making the experience reports that much more captivating to hear about year over year.

Top Quotes & Takeaways from Day 1

Top Photos from the DaY

Reminders for Day 2

Watch the Live Streamif you can’t join the live event!

Be sure to double-check the app for any schedule changes, but breakfast will start promptly at 7am and run until opening remarks at 8:45 a.m. Be sure to get here early to grab a bite and get a good seat!

Ask the Speaker is happening again tomorrow at 11:10 a.m. in “Imperial A” with Topo Pal and Jennifer Brady from Capital One, Tisson Mathew from Alignment Healthcare and Jason Cox from Disney.

The DevOps Workshop also happens again tomorrow at 1:40 p.m. in Imperial A. If you’re looking for more of a hands-on experience, definitely stop by!

The first ever Lightning Talks—Hosted by Damon Edwards and John Willis—will take place at the end of the day after the general sessions. These Lightning Talks feature six quick presentations with speakers Andy Burgin, Melinda Solomon, Shivakumar Gopalakrishnan, Red Hat, Shannon Lietz, James Wickett, and Lightning Talk Karaoke! Thanks for F5 for sponsoring!

Final note: #DOES17 was trending on Twitter in San Francisco today. Keep being social and share your favorite quotes and pictures with your fellow attendees.

- About The Authors
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IT Revolution

Trusted by technology leaders worldwide. Since publishing The Phoenix Project in 2013, and launching DevOps Enterprise Summit in 2014, we’ve been assembling guidance from industry experts and top practitioners.

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1 Comment

  • devops training Dec 28, 2017 2:40 pm

    Really it was an awesome article...very interesting to read..You have provided an nice article....Thanks for sharing..

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