Craig Cockburn Feb 9, 2021 9:50 amThis is a useful read for context and alternative perspective. The problem wasn't Boeing, it seems to be very much the organisational politics and failure of leadership which arose following Mullaly's exit"Meanwhile, Boeing’s problems mounted as Mulally’s successor dismantled his management systems, ruined the supplier relationships he had worked so hard to develop and cut costs and allowed corporate politics to reassert themselves. Soon, the 787 was not only behind schedule, but was also catching fire due to problems with its onboard batteries. Airlines, which during Mulally’s tenure had been fighting to be first in line for the new jets, now started cancelling their orders."Boeing workers started an online petition to “Bring Back Mulally.”It's all about leadership. Criticise the leadership, not the company. There are good people in every company struggling to make a difference. Reply
Ron Westrum, PhD Feb 11, 2022 4:14 pmThis is an important article, and correctly connects psychological safety to the safety of the larger electro-mechanical systems with the humans who are encouraged to speak up or to shut up. Psychological safety follows trustworthy behavior on the part of management, and vanishes when management acts badly or unfairly. The management culture change happened in plain sight, and with the active connivence of senior management. There is always a price for breaching a covenant. Boeing was not going to be an exception to this rule. Reply
Rod Falanga Jan 31, 2021 3:52 pmWhat do you do when you work in a place with no psychological safety? Reply
John R. Allen Feb 2, 2021 12:50 amAs Martin Fowler says, "You can change your organization or you can change your organization." Reply
David Drum Jan 29, 2021 6:02 pmOne need look no further than John Kay's article and/or book Obliquity to read Boeing's epitaph. Reply