Reader’s Guide: Industrial DevOps
A companion reader’s guide to the book Industrial DevOps: Build Better Systems Faster.
Applying the theory, practice, and learnings from Agile and DevOps as it has been applied in the software community, has the potential to dramatically improve the development and delivery of cyber-physical systems. Companies that solve this problem will increase transparency, reduce cycle time, increase value for money, and innovate faster. Simply, they will build better systems faster, and they will become the ultimate economic and value delivery winners in the marketplace.
This companion reader’s guide to the book includes chapter summaries, chapter-by-chapter discussion questions, and themes. Perfect edition to use in your own book club or to expand your understanding of the material.
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Applying the theory, practice, and learnings from Agile and DevOps as it has been applied in the software community, has the potential to dramatically improve the development and delivery of cyber-physical systems. Companies that solve this problem will increase transparency, reduce cycle time, increase value for money, and innovate faster. Simply, they will build better systems faster, and they will become the ultimate economic and value delivery winners in the marketplace.
This companion reader’s guide to the book includes chapter summaries, chapter-by-chapter discussion questions, and themes. Perfect edition to use in your own book club or to expand your understanding of the material.
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About the Resource
Applying the theory, practice, and learnings from Agile and DevOps as it has been applied in the software community, has the potential to dramatically improve the development and delivery of cyber-physical systems. Companies that solve this problem will increase transparency, reduce cycle time, increase value for money, and innovate faster. Simply, they will build better systems faster, and they will become the ultimate economic and value delivery winners in the marketplace.
This companion reader’s guide to the book includes chapter summaries, chapter-by-chapter discussion questions, and themes. Perfect edition to use in your own book club or to expand your understanding of the material.
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Industrial DevOps
Build Better Systems Faster