LLMs and Generative AI in the enterprise.
Inspire, develop, and guide a winning organization.
Understand the unique values and behaviors of a successful organization.
Create visible workflows to achieve well-architected software.
Understand and use meaningful data to measure success.
Integrate and automate quality, security, and compliance into daily work.
An on-demand learning experience from the people who brought you The Phoenix Project, Team Topologies, Accelerate, and more.
Learn how to enhance collaboration and performance in large-scale organizations through Flow Engineering
Learn how making work visible, value stream management, and flow metrics can affect change in your organization.
Clarify team interactions for fast flow using simple sense-making approaches and tools.
Multiple award-winning CTO, researcher, and bestselling author Gene Kim hosts enterprise technology and business leaders.
In the first part of this two-part episode of The Idealcast, Gene Kim speaks with Dr. Ron Westrum, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Eastern Michigan University.
In the first episode of Season 2 of The Idealcast, Gene Kim speaks with Admiral John Richardson, who served as Chief of Naval Operations for four years.
Exploring the impact of GenAI in our organizations & creating business impact through technology leadership.
DevOps best practices, case studies, organizational change, ways of working, and the latest thinking affecting business and technology leadership.
The debate over in-office versus remote work misses a fundamental truth: high-performing teams succeed based on how they’re organized, not where they sit.
Leaders can help their organizations move from the danger zone to the winning zone by changing how they wire their organization’s social circuitry.
The values and philosophies that frame the processes, procedures, and practices of DevOps.
This post presents the four key metrics to measure software delivery performance.
Run Your Platform like a Business within a Business
This paper discusses the emerging concept of the developer platform. It is written for senior leaders, especially on the infrastructure and operations (I&O) side of large enterprises. It has never been easy being an I&O leader. As vividly portrayed in The Phoenix Project, traditional infrastructure organizations are often overloaded, surprised by development initiatives, and prone to destructive multitasking and queuing issues. Infrastructure organizations bear the brunt of criticism from developers and other enterprise stakeholders; their lack of responsiveness leads to frustration. This can result in developers seeking greener pastures elsewhere.
This paper will examine what “good” looks like in terms of current developer platforms and the ways in which many organizations fall short. It will cover how to realize the value of a developer platform from engineering, product, and business perspectives.
This paper provides guidance on: what it takes to extract value from a platform, recommendations of approaches and techniques, model for maturation and scale case studies of enterprises sharing their experience
This paper provides guidance on what it takes to extract value from a platform, including clear recommendations of approaches and techniques.
This paper is full of case studies to help organizations see how others have successfully created their developer platform.
This paper is written by experienced leaders across industries who have led large transformations in enterprises across industries.
Change Agents can come from anywhere on the org chart. This paper directly provides guidance on how to lead change no matter your role or title.
IBM Fellow, CIO DevSecOps CTO
Research director, analyst, architect, author. I talk to a lot of people about how digital and IT organizations operate at scale.
Vice President Product Marketing Vice President Product Marketing VMware
Senior Director of Engineering at Epic Games
Levi is currently SVP, and Head of Engineering Advocacy and Innovation at U.S. Bank, where he is responsible for supporting, and refining the DevOps and software engineering practices, patterns, and tools to better support our Product, Agile, and DevOps ways of working. He has held multiple roles including leading the Developer Experience product engineering and agile teams. He advocates for developers, empowers engineers, and strives to create an environment of psychological safety to create an engineering culture. Prior to the Bank he was a Director of Engineering in the Target Dojo, after transitioning from Principal Engineer and helped to operate the Target Dojo which successfully helped drive Agile, DevOps, and Product adoption across Target.
Leading During a Time of Disruption and Change
Enabling Full-Stack Software Engineers to Their...
A Guide to Employing Metrics in Software...
Cross-Product Management and Cross-Product...