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November 30, 2021
In our last post, we highlighted how to identify a value stream to which you can begin to apply DevOps principles and patterns.
Our next step in our DevOps transformation, based on the newly updated and expanded second edition of The DevOps Handbook, is to gain a sufficient understanding of how value is delivered to the customer, by evaluating what work is performed, by whom, and what steps we can take to improve flow.
In this blog post, we will:
Let us begin by identifying the teams supporting our value stream.
In value streams of any complexity, no one person knows all the work that must be performed in order to create value for the customer—especially since the required work must be performed by many different teams, often far removed from each other on the organization charts, geographically, or by incentives.
As a result, after we select a service for our DevOps initiative, we must identify all the members of the value stream who are responsible for working together to create value for the customers being served.
In general, this includes:
Product owner: The internal voice of the business that defines the next set of functionality in the service
Development: The team responsible for developing application functionality in the service
QA: The team responsible for ensuring that feedback loops exist to ensure the service functions as desired
Operations: The team often responsible for maintaining the production environment and helping ensure that required service levels are met
Infosec: The team responsible for securing systems and data
Release Managers: The people responsible for managing and coordinating the production deployment and release processes
Technology Executives or Value Stream Manager: In Lean literature, someone who is responsible for “ensuring that the value stream meets or exceeds the customer [and organizational] requirements for the overall value stream, from start to finish”
Once we identify our value stream members, our next step is to gain a concrete understanding of how work is performed, documented in the form of a value stream map.
In our value stream, work likely begins with the product owner, in the form of a customer request or the formulation of a business hypothesis.
Some time later, this work is accepted by Development, where features are implemented in code and checked in to our version control repository. Builds are then integrated, tested in a production-like environment, and finally deployed into production, where they (ideally) create value for our customer.
In many traditional organizations, this value stream will consist of hundreds, if not thousands, of steps, requiring work from hundreds of people.
Because documenting any value stream map likely requires multiple days, we may conduct a multi-day workshop, where we assemble all the key constituents and remove them from the distractions of their daily work.
Our goal is not to document every step and associated minutiae, but to sufficiently understand the areas in our value stream that are jeopardizing our goals of fast flow, short lead times, and reliable customer outcomes. Ideally, we have assembled those people with the authority to change their portion of the value stream.
Using the full breadth of knowledge brought by the teams engaged in the value stream, we should focus our investigation and scrutiny on either:
Our first pass of documenting our value stream should only consist of high-level process blocks.
Typically, even for complex value streams, groups can create a diagram with 5 to 15 process blocks within a few hours. Each process block should include the lead time and process time for a work item to be processed, as well as the %C/A as measured by the downstream consumers of the output.
Once we identify the metric we want to improve, we should perform the next level of observations and measurements to better understand the problem.
We will construct an idealized, future value stream map, which serves as a target condition to achieve by some date (e.g., usually 3 to 12 months).
Leadership helps define this future state and then guides and enables the team to brainstorm hypotheses and countermeasures to achieve the desired improvement to that state, perform experiments to test those hypotheses, and interpret the results to determine whether the hypotheses were correct. The teams keep repeating and iterating, using any new learnings to inform the next experiments.
With these metrics in place, the next step in our DevOps transformation will be to create a dedicated transformation team.
One of the inherent challenges with initiatives such as DevOps transformations is that they are inevitably in conflict with ongoing business operations.
Part of this is a natural outcome of how successful businesses evolve. An organization that has been successful for any extended period of time (years, decades, or even centuries) has created mechanisms to perpetuate the practices that made them successful, such as product development, order administration, and supply chain operations.
While this is good for preserving status quo, we often need to change how we work to adapt to changing conditions in the marketplace. Doing this requires disruption and innovation, which puts us at odds with groups who are currently responsible for daily operations and the internal bureaucracies, and who will almost always win.
So how do we move forward?
Based on the research of Dr. Vijay Govindarajan and Dr. Chris Trimble, both faculty members of Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business, they assert that organizations need to create a dedicated transformation team that is able to operate outside of the rest of the organization that is responsible for daily operations (which they call the “dedicated team” and “performance engine” respectively).
First and foremost, we will hold this dedicated team accountable for achieving a clearly defined, measurable, system-level result (e.g., reduce the deployment lead time from “code committed into version control to successfully running in production” by 50%).
In order to execute such an initiative, we do the following:
If possible, we will also free the transformation team from many of the rules and policies that restrict the rest of the organization.
After all, established processes are a form of institutional memory—we need the dedicated team to create the new processes and learnings required to generate our desired outcomes, creating new institutional memory.
Creating a dedicated team is not only good for the team, but also good for the performance engine.
By creating a separate team, we create the space for them to experiment with new practices, protecting the rest of the organization from the potential disruptions and distractions associated with it.
Next, we will agree on a shared goal for the organization to move towards.
One of the most important parts of any improvement initiative is to define a measurable goal with a clearly defined deadline, between 6 months and 2 years in the future.
It should require considerable effort but still be achievable, and should create obvious value for the organization as a whole and to our customers.
These goals and the time frame should be agreed upon by the executives and known to everyone in the organization.
We also want to limit the number of these types of initiatives going on simultaneously to prevent us from overly taxing the organizational change management capacity of leaders and the organization.
Examples of improvement goals might include:
Once the high-level goal is made clear, teams should decide on a regular cadence to drive the improvement work. Like product development work, we want transformation work to be done in an iterative, incremental manner.
A typical iteration will be in the range of 2 to 4 weeks. For each iteration, the teams should agree on a small set of goals that generate value and makes some progress toward the long-term goal.
At the end of each iteration, teams should review their progress and set new goals for the next iteration.
Lastly, in order to be able to know if we are making progress toward our goal, it’s essential that everyone in the organization knows the current state of work.
There are many ways to make the current state visible, but what’s most important is that the information we display is up to date, and that we constantly revise what we measure to make sure it’s helping us understand progress toward our current target conditions.
With our goal in place, the next step will be for the organization to keep their improvement planning horizons short, just as if we were in a startup doing product or customer development.
Our initiative should strive to generate measurable improvements or actionable data within weeks (or in the worst case, months).
By keeping our planning horizons and iteration intervals short, we achieve the following:
The final responsibility of the dedicated transformation team will be to reserve 20% of cycles for non-functional requirements and reducing technical debt.
A problem common to any process improvement effort is how to properly prioritize it—after all, organizations that need it most are those that have the least amount of time to spend on improvement. This is especially true in technology organizations because of technical debt.
Organizations that struggle with financial debt only make interest payments and never reduce the loan principal, and may eventually find themselves in situations where they can no longer service the interest payments.
Organizations that don’t pay down technical debt can find themselves so burdened with daily workarounds for problems left unfixed that they can no longer complete any new work.
In other words, they are now only making the interest payment on their technical debt.
We will actively manage this technical debt by ensuring that we invest at least 20% of all Development and Operations cycles on refactoring, investing in automation work and architecture and non-functional requirements (NFRs, sometimes referred to as the “ilities”), such as maintainability, manageability, scalability, reliability, testability, deployability, and security.
By dedicating 20% of our cycles so that Dev and Ops can create lasting countermeasures to the problems we encounter in our daily work, we ensure that technical debt doesn’t impede our ability to quickly and safely develop and operate our services in production. Alleviating added pressure of technical debt from workers can also reduce levels of burnout.
With our dedicated team in place, we can use tools to reinforce desired behavior.
As Christopher Little, a software executive and one of the earliest chroniclers of DevOps, observed, “Anthropologists describe tools as a cultural artifact. Any discussion of culture after the invention of fire must also be about tools.”
Similarly, in the DevOps value stream, we use tools to reinforce our culture and accelerate desired behavior changes.
One goal is that our tooling reinforces that Development and Operations not only have shared goals, but have a common backlog of work, ideally stored in a common work system and using a shared vocabulary, so that work can be prioritized globally.
By doing this, Development and Operations may end up creating a shared work queue, instead of each silo using a different one (e.g., Development uses JIRA while Operations uses ServiceNow).
A significant benefit of this is that when production incidents are shown in the same work systems as development work, it will be obvious when ongoing incidents should halt other work, especially when we have a kanban board.
Another benefit of having Development and Operations using a shared tool is a unified backlog, where everyone prioritizes improvement projects from a global perspective, selecting work that has the highest value to the organization or most reduces technical debt.
As we identify technical debt, we add it to our prioritized backlog if we can’t address it immediately. For issues that remain unaddressed, we can use our “20% time for non-functional requirements” to fix the top items from our backlog.
An amazing dynamic is created when we have a mechanism that allows any team member to quickly help other team members, or even people outside their team—the time required to get information or needed work can go from days to minutes.
In addition, because everything is being recorded, we may not need to ask someone else for help in the future—we simply search for it.
With these practices in place, we can enable dedicated transformation teams to rapidly iterate and experiment to improve performance. We can also make sure that we allocate a sufficient amount of time for improvement, fixing known problems and architectural issues, including our non-functional requirements.
In our next post we will look at how the organization or our teams can affect how we perform our work.
Gene Kim has been studying high-performing technology organizations since 1999. He was the founder and CTO of Tripwire, Inc., an enterprise security software company, where he served for 13 years. His books have sold over 1 million copies—he is the WSJ bestselling author of Wiring the Winning Organization, The Unicorn Project, and co-author of The Phoenix Project, The DevOps Handbook, and the Shingo Publication Award-winning Accelerate. Since 2014, he has been the organizer of DevOps Enterprise Summit (now Enterprise Technology Leadership Summit), studying the technology transformations of large, complex organizations.
Jez Humble is the coauthor of Accelerate and The DevOps Handbook
John Willis has worked in the IT management industry for more than 35 years and is a prolific author, including "Deming's Journey to Profound Knowledge" and "The DevOps Handbook." He is researching DevOps, DevSecOps, IT risk, modern governance, and audit compliance. Previously he was an Evangelist at Docker Inc., VP of Solutions for Socketplane (sold to Docker) and Enstratius (sold to Dell), and VP of Training & Services at Opscode where he formalized the training, evangelism, and professional services functions at the firm. Willis also founded Gulf Breeze Software, an award winning IBM business partner, which specializes in deploying Tivoli technology for the enterprise. Willis has authored six IBM Redbooks for IBM on enterprise systems management and was the founder and chief architect at Chain Bridge Systems.
In 2009 he coined the word devops by organizing the first devopsdays event. He organized conferences all over the world to collect and spread new ideas. As a pioneer he is always on the look out for new ideas to implement and explore. Currently in the media sector where he is guiding broadcasters with the transition to enter into a dialogue with it's audience as a closed feedback loop.
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